Working towards your goals, you cannot do without smart communication. Eventhough you want to put energy into it, sometimes you just don’t have the time. And we get that. That is why we created the DutchDuo SitDown® for you.
During the DutchDuo SitDown®, a proven method, we quickly map out your communication goals. For you, your employees and us as an agency.
No unnecessary lengthy difficult conversations, but an informal brainstorm session that takes only half a day. Sitting together with our creative and strategic people. All of which are professionals with years of experience and a solid track record.
After this session you wil have an in-depth understanding of your communication, translated to a filled in agency briefing and a proposition. A solid steppingstone towards improved communication that you can work at yourself, or (and we prefer this option), together with us.
Interested in having a DutchDuo SitDown®? Please feel free to contact us.